Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Posted by haryanahistorycongress at 9:15 PM

(Estd. under the Indian Trust Act, 1882)
                                      Registration No. 324 of 2016

Registered Office:                                                    President Office:
Wz- D/20 A,Om Vihar, Phase -III,                           Dept. of History, JVMGRR College,
Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059                            Charkhi Dadri, Haryana       Email:                       Email:

(11–12NOVEMBER, 2019)

Dear Fellow,

On behalf of theHaryana History Congress, weare happy to invite you at our 4th Annual Conferencewhich is going to be held under the aegis of the Department of History, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak (Haryana)-124001on 11-12November, 2019.Eminent personalities, renownedsocial scientists, research scholars and students are likely to participate in the conference.
We hope that you and your colleagues who are, or are becoming members of Haryana History Congress would be able to attend the 4thSession of the Haryana History Congress and contribute to its success.

President:                    Dr. Yasvir Singh (Principal, JVMGRR College, Charkhi Dadri)
Vice President:           Dr. Rajesh Kumar (Director, ICHR, New Delhi)
General Secretary:      Dr. Sajjan Kumar (Asst. Prof, Dept. of History, University of Delhi)
Joint Secretary            :           Dr. Atul Yadav (Asso. Prof, Dept. of History, GC, Ambala Cantt)
Treasurer:                   Sh. Anil Yadav (Asst. Prof, Dept. of History, KLP College, Rewari)

Dr. Mohinder Singh (Asso. Prof, DNC, Hisar)                         Dr. Parveen S. Phogat (Asso. Prof, GC, Gurgaon)
Dr. M. S. Bagi (Asso. Prof, GC, Karnal)                                       Dr. Vijay Kumar (Asst. Prof, SPMC, New Delhi)
Dr. Vijender Singh Dhull(Asst. Prof. KUKurukshetra)          Mrs. Pushpa Rani (Asst. Prof. HGC, Sonepat)
Dr. Rakesh Kumar (Asst. Prof, CRSU, Jind)                              Dr. Vikas Pawar, Asst. Prof, MDU, Rohtak)
Dr. Jagdish Parshad (Uttam Nagar, New Delhi)                     Mrs. Sudesh, (Asst. Prof. MM Jhojhu Kalan,Dadri)

This organization is established for the promotion of research in the regional history of Haryana and neighboring states in Northern India and also, the historical, contemporary relationship both tangible and intangible relationship between Haryana and other states of India. It may expand its academic and exploratory relationship in the context of Haryana with other countries of the world. It is purely a non-political organization, established only for the development of the History and Culture of Haryana without any bias.
The objectives for which the Haryana History Congress is established are:
a)      To create awareness about the recent trends in historical and archaeological research and its conservation in the state of Haryana.
b)      To promote scientific approach for research.
c)      To promote research in various areas related to (a) and (b) above to support publication of books, journals etc. to disseminate knowledge in the areas of history and archaeology in particular, and art and culture of Haryana in general.
d)     To promote, establish, support, maintain or grant aid to institutions for the promotion and preservation of historical monuments and for the research and other institutions, in Haryana and other parts of India, having similar objects for the benefit of the public in general.
e)      To promote, preserve, rediscover and revive the tangible and intangible heritage of Indian art, culture and environment by establishing centers equipped with modern resources.
f)       Institute awards of excellence for the study, research and apprenticeship and for the propagation of the highest standards in all or any of the aforesaid purposes.
g)      To promote ideas of cultural pluralism, peace and unity in diversity.
h)     To establish relations with scholars of different streams, locations and countries, carry out research works and prepare standard literature on various subjects, especially Archaeology, History, Anthropology, such as Art & Culture, Language & Religion.
i)        To organize national/international lectures, seminars, conferences, symposia, workshops, debates, heritage tours, cultural festivals, and awareness programs etc.
j)        To bring out Newsletters, Magazines and Journals in English and Hindi languages.
k)      To accept and confer grants, donations in cash and assist in the establishment, maintenance, running, development and extension of special programs, centers and institutes for research purposes and dissemination of information for  the activities mentioned in the objectives.

1.                  Annual Membership:Any person having faith in the aims and objectives of the organization and interest in the history and culture of Haryana with Post-Graduate in any discipline can become the member of this organization. Annual membership fee is Rs. 400/- which can be sendthrough DD/Cash/Net Bankingin favour of Haryana History Congress, payable at CharkhiDadri (Haryana).
2.                  Life Membership:Any person can avail the opportunity of becoming Life Member of Haryana History Congress, having faith in the aims and objectives of the organization and interest in the history and culture of Haryanawith Post-Graduate in any discipline by paying an amount of Rs. 3000/-through DD/Cash/Net Banking in favour of Haryana History Congress, payable at CharkhiDadri (Haryana).

Any aspect related to the History & Culture of Haryana

·         The research papers should bear the full name/s of the author/s, their email ID, contact No. and Addresses both official and residential at the top of the first page.
·         The paper not exceeding 10 pages (A 4 size) or 3000 words including footnotes, single space, 14 Times New Roman font size for title and 12 Times New Roman font size for the paper text.
·         The summary of the paper, not more than 300 words should be invariable provided.
·         The papers should be based on original sources or new interpretations of earlier works.
·         Full papers should be submitted through hard copy as well as soft copy.
·         The papers should also send to the email:
·         Footnotes should be numbered continuously for the whole paper at the end of the text, not per page.
·         In references to printed books, the classical system should be used, under which the name of the author, the title of the book, and the place and year of the publication come in that order. The well-known abbreviation for journals like as JHS, JNSI, AIR, etc.
·         The maps, diagrams and photographs are furnished, these should be listed and be in such forms as to be ready for the printing.
·         Members are requested to submit their abstracts to the undersigned by 25th October 2019 and full papers up to 5thNovember 2019. Papers received after above dates will not be entertained for presentation. 
·         The papers which are not found satisfactory by the expert committee may not be entertained for presentation.
·         The only member (life and annual) of the Haryana History Congress can be the delegates &fee Rs. 500/- shall be collected separately.
·         Membership can also avail on the spot of registration at the venue.
·         The interested persons can also submit their membership fee online in favour of Haryana History Congress,Account No. 4058000100181071, IFSC Code PUNB0405800, Punjab Nation Bank, JVMGRR College, CharkhiDadri, Haryana and informed accordingly.   

Three best papers (ancient, medieval & modern section) selected by the expert committee will be awarded during the conference. Those who wish to submit their papers for best paper consideration should send them latest by 5th November 2019on theEmail applicant should clearly mention on the top of his/her paperthat he/she is applying for theBest Paper Award.
Weonce again appeal to all teachers and scholars who are devoted to research in history to extend their support in making the session a grand success.
We look forward to welcome you.

Yours truly,

Dr.Sajjan Kumar                                                                                                              Dr. Yasvir Singh                              
GeneralSecretary,                                                                                                              President,
Haryana History Congress                                                                                            Haryana History Congress
Mob:8447010398                                                                                               Mob: 9416583521

(Estd. under the Indian Trust Act, 1882)
Photographs of the applicant to be pasted here.
Registration No. 324 of 2016

For office use only
Membership No. ……………


Annual Membership Fee       : Rs. 400
Life Membership Fee              : Rs. 3000
Payment membership will be accepted only through Cash/DD/MO/NET BANKING

1.      Name in full (Capital letters) ……………………………………………………………..
2.      Academic Qualifications ………………………………………………………………….
3.      Occupation/Academic Designation, name and address of institution where work ……….
4.      Address for correspondence (In capital letters)……………………………………………
Pin Code…………………State …………………Office Ph. No…………………………
Contact No…… ……………………...Email ID …………………………………………
5.      Amount paid through DD/MO : Rupees …………………............................... Details of the
DD/MO No. ………………. Drawn on (Bank’s Name) ……………….... Charkhi Dadri (Hr.)
Note: Draft to be enclosed with the form Demand Draft to be drawn in favour of ‘Haryana History Congress,A/C No. 4058000100181071, IFSC Code PUNB0405800, Punjab Nation Bank,crossed A/c Payee only, payable at Charkhi Dadri, Haryana.

I,……………………………………hereby declare that the particulars given in this application are correct to the best of my knowledge.

 (Applicant’s Signature)

Any dispute regarding membership will be subject to the jurisdiction of the court at Delhi.

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